Wednesday, June 18, 2014

#005: Comfy bed for the tamagoyaki!

Calories: 160
Contents: Egg-White Tamagoyaki on a bed of Spinach with Tomato Slices, Raw Carrot flowers, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, and Watermelon flowers.

I wish I knew how to quit you, you delicious egg-white tamagoyaki. I had to take out one of the sections in order to fit the tomato slices in between but I thought it came out okay. (Plus I got to munch on the removed bit of tamagoyaki! :D) The brussels sprouts roasted easily and quickly; I just halved them, tossed them with salt and pepper and 1 tsp. olive oil, then roasted them on a pan in the oven at 400 F until they were browning. They were pretty good at room temperature, though I'd have preferred them warm. I opted for raw carrots instead of steamed like the previous bento because, while delicious, the steamed carrots shriveled a bit and just didn't look as pleasant.

I hope my glutinous rice arrives soon!

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