Friday, June 20, 2014

#006: It's a zoo!

Calories: 398
Contents: Glutinous rice w/ soy sauce in the giraffe sauce vial, steamed broccoli, boiled egg with Cholula in the chicken sauce vial, watermelon stars.

Man adding in a good sized-portion of rice really jacks up the calories! Looks delicious though.

Today's box actually was up in the air for quite some time. I experimented with making the little octopus hotdogs but I didn't like the way they looked in the box (and they were tasty so I kind of just wanted to eat them!) and I also roasted more brussels sprouts. I overcooked the sprouts, though, so I just discarded them and opted for the broccoli instead for my veggie.

The animal picks and vials are a part of this set on Amazon which just arrived. I adore the vials and picks, they're so cute! The silicone cups are so small though I can barely imagine what I could put in them. Seeds, maybe. At their base they're smaller than a quarter so it's hard to imagine putting more than half a bite of any given food in them. But the set was cheap and the picks and vials are awesome, so I'm happy with the purchase.

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